import fs from 'fs'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import path from 'path'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import * as util from '../../src/util'; import { LocalDistribution } from '../../src/distributions/local/installer'; describe('setupJava', () => { const actualJavaVersion = '11.1.10'; const javaPath = path.join('Java_jdkfile_jdk', actualJavaVersion, 'x86'); let mockJavaBase: LocalDistribution; let spyGetToolcachePath: jest.SpyInstance; let spyTcCacheDir: jest.SpyInstance; let spyTcFindAllVersions: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreDebug: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreInfo: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreExportVariable: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreAddPath: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreSetOutput: jest.SpyInstance; let spyFsStat: jest.SpyInstance; let spyFsReadDir: jest.SpyInstance; let spyUtilsExtractJdkFile: jest.SpyInstance; let spyPathResolve: jest.SpyInstance; let expectedJdkFile = 'JavaLocalJdkFile'; beforeEach(() => { spyGetToolcachePath = jest.spyOn(util, 'getToolcachePath'); spyGetToolcachePath.mockImplementation( (toolname: string, javaVersion: string, architecture: string) => { const semverVersion = new semver.Range(javaVersion); if (path.basename(javaPath) !== architecture || !javaPath.includes(toolname)) { return ''; } return semver.satisfies(actualJavaVersion, semverVersion) ? javaPath : ''; } ); spyTcCacheDir = jest.spyOn(tc, 'cacheDir'); spyTcCacheDir.mockImplementation( (archivePath: string, toolcacheFolderName: string, version: string, architecture: string) => path.join(toolcacheFolderName, version, architecture) ); spyTcFindAllVersions = jest.spyOn(tc, 'findAllVersions'); spyTcFindAllVersions.mockReturnValue([actualJavaVersion]); // Spy on core methods spyCoreDebug = jest.spyOn(core, 'debug'); spyCoreDebug.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyCoreInfo = jest.spyOn(core, 'info'); spyCoreInfo.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyCoreAddPath = jest.spyOn(core, 'addPath'); spyCoreAddPath.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyCoreExportVariable = jest.spyOn(core, 'exportVariable'); spyCoreExportVariable.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyCoreSetOutput = jest.spyOn(core, 'setOutput'); spyCoreSetOutput.mockImplementation(() => undefined); // Spy on fs methods spyFsReadDir = jest.spyOn(fs, 'readdirSync'); spyFsReadDir.mockImplementation(() => ['JavaTest']); spyFsStat = jest.spyOn(fs, 'statSync'); spyFsStat.mockImplementation((file: string) => { return { isFile: () => file === expectedJdkFile }; }); // Spy on util methods spyUtilsExtractJdkFile = jest.spyOn(util, 'extractJdkFile'); spyUtilsExtractJdkFile.mockImplementation(() => 'some/random/path/'); // Spy on path methods spyPathResolve = jest.spyOn(path, 'resolve'); spyPathResolve.mockImplementation((path: string) => path); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it('java is resolved from toolcache, jdkfile is untouched', async () => { const inputs = { version: actualJavaVersion, architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk' }; const jdkFile = 'not_existing_one'; const expected = { version: actualJavaVersion, path: path.join('Java_jdkfile_jdk', inputs.version, inputs.architecture) }; mockJavaBase = new LocalDistribution(inputs, jdkFile); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).resolves.toEqual(expected); expect(spyGetToolcachePath).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Resolved Java ${actualJavaVersion} from tool-cache`); expect(spyCoreInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Java ${inputs.version} was not found in tool-cache. Trying to unpack JDK file...` ); }); it("java is resolved from toolcache, jdkfile doesn't exist", async () => { const inputs = { version: actualJavaVersion, architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk' }; const jdkFile = undefined; const expected = { version: actualJavaVersion, path: path.join('Java_jdkfile_jdk', inputs.version, inputs.architecture) }; mockJavaBase = new LocalDistribution(inputs, jdkFile); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).resolves.toEqual(expected); expect(spyGetToolcachePath).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Resolved Java ${actualJavaVersion} from tool-cache`); expect(spyCoreInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Java ${inputs.version} was not found in tool-cache. Trying to unpack JDK file...` ); }); it('java is unpacked from jdkfile', async () => { const inputs = { version: '11.0.289', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk' }; const jdkFile = expectedJdkFile; const expected = { version: '11.0.289', path: path.join('Java_jdkfile_jdk', inputs.version, inputs.architecture) }; mockJavaBase = new LocalDistribution(inputs, jdkFile); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).resolves.toEqual(expected); expect(spyTcFindAllVersions).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Resolved Java ${actualJavaVersion} from tool-cache` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Extracting Java from '${jdkFile}'`); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Java ${inputs.version} was not found in tool-cache. Trying to unpack JDK file...` ); }); it('jdk file is not found', async () => { const inputs = { version: '11.0.289', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk' }; const jdkFile = 'not_existing_one'; const expected = { javaVersion: '11.0.289', javaPath: path.join('Java_jdkfile_jdk', inputs.version, inputs.architecture) }; mockJavaBase = new LocalDistribution(inputs, jdkFile); expected.javaPath = path.join('Java_jdkfile_jdk', inputs.version, inputs.architecture); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).rejects.toThrowError( "JDK file was not found in path 'not_existing_one'" ); expect(spyTcFindAllVersions).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Resolved Java ${actualJavaVersion} from tool-cache` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Extracting Java from '${jdkFile}'`); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Java ${inputs.version} was not found in tool-cache. Trying to unpack JDK file...` ); }); it.each([ [{ version: '8.0.289', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk' }, 'otherJdkFile'], [{ version: '11.0.289', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk' }, 'otherJdkFile'], [{ version: '12.0.289', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk' }, 'otherJdkFile'], [{ version: '11.1.11', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk' }, 'not_existing_one'] ])( `Throw an error if jdkfile has wrong path, inputs %s, jdkfile %s, real name ${expectedJdkFile}`, async (inputs, jdkFile) => { mockJavaBase = new LocalDistribution(inputs, jdkFile); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).rejects.toThrowError( /JDK file was not found in path */ ); expect(spyTcFindAllVersions).toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); it.each([ [{ version: '8.0.289', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk' }, ''], [{ version: '7.0.289', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk' }, undefined], [{ version: '11.0.289', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk' }, undefined] ])('Throw an error if jdkfile is not specified, inputs %s', async (inputs, jdkFile) => { mockJavaBase = new LocalDistribution(inputs, jdkFile); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).rejects.toThrowError("'jdkFile' is not specified"); expect(spyTcFindAllVersions).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });