# Compton __Compton__ is a compositor for X, and a fork of __xcompmgr-dana__. I was frustrated by the low amount of standalone lightweight compositors. Compton was forked from Dana Jansens' fork of xcompmgr and refactored. I fixed whatever bug I found, and added features I wanted. Things seem stable, but don't quote me on it. I will most likely be actively working on this until I get the features I want. This is also a learning experience for me. That is, I'm partially doing this out of a desire to learn Xlib. ## Changes from xcompmgr: * __inactive window transparency__ (specified with `-i`) * __titlebar/frame transparency__ (specified with `-e`) * menu transparency (thanks to Dana) * shadows are now enabled for argb windows, e.g. terminals with transparency * removed serverside shadows (and simple compositing) to clean the code, the only option that remains is clientside shadows * configuration files (specified with `--config`) * colored shadows (with `--shadow-[red/green/blue] value`) * a new fade system * vsync (still under development) * several more options ## Fixes from the original xcompmgr: * fixed a segfault when opening certain window types * fixed a memory leak caused by not freeing up shadows (from the freedesktop repo) * fixed the conflict with chromium and similar windows * [many more](https://github.com/chjj/compton/issues) ## Building ### Dependencies: __B__ for build-time __R__ for runtime * libx11 (B,R) * libxcomposite (B,R) * libxdamage (B,R) * libxfixes (B,R) * libXext (B,R) * libxrender (B,R) * libXrandr (B,R) * pkg-config (B) * make (B) * xproto / x11proto (B) * bash (R) * xprop,xwininfo / x11-utils (R) * libpcre (B,R) (Will probably be made optional soon) * libconfig (B,R) (Will probably be made optional soon) * libdrm (B) (Will probably be made optional soon) * libGL (B,R) (Will probably be made optional soon) To build, make sure you have the above dependencies: ``` bash $ make $ make install ``` ## Example Usage ``` bash $ compton -cC -i 0.6 -e 0.6 -f $ compton --config ~/compton.conf ``` ### Options and Configuration ``` compton [-d display] [-r radius] [-o opacity] [-l left-offset] [-t top-offset] [-i opacity] [-e opacity] [-cCfFSdG] [--config path] [--shadow-red value] [--shadow-green value] [--shadow-blue value] [--inactive-opacity-override] [--inactive-dim value] [--mark-wmwin-focused] [--shadow-exclude condition] [--mark-ovredir-focused] [--no-fading-openclose] [--shadow-ignore-shaped] [--detect-round-corners] ``` * `-d` __display__: Which display should be managed. * `-r` __radius__: The blur radius for shadows. (default 12) * `-o` __opacity__: The translucency for shadows. (default .75) * `-l` __left-offset__: The left offset for shadows. (default -15) * `-t` __top-offset__: The top offset for shadows. (default -15) * `-I` __fade-in-step__: Opacity change between steps while fading in. (default 0.028) * `-O` __fade-out-step__: Opacity change between steps while fading out. (default 0.03) * `-D` __fade-delta-time__: The time between steps in a fade in milliseconds. (default 10) * `-m` __opacity__: The opacity for menus. (default 1.0) * `-c`: Enabled client-side shadows on windows. * `-C`: Avoid drawing shadows on dock/panel windows. * `-z`: Zero the part of the shadow's mask behind the window (experimental). * `-f`: Fade windows in/out when opening/closing and when opacity changes, unless --no-fading-openclose is used. * `-F`: Equals -f. Deprecated. * `-i` __opacity__: Opacity of inactive windows. (0.1 - 1.0) * `-e` __opacity__: Opacity of window titlebars and borders. (0.1 - 1.0) * `-G`: Don't draw shadows on DND windows * `-b`: Daemonize/background process. * `-S`: Enable synchronous operation (for debugging). * `--config` __path__: Look for configuration file at the path. * `--shadow-red` __value__: Red color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0). * `--shadow-green` __value__: Green color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0). * `--shadow-blue` __value__: Blue color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0). * `--inactive-opacity-override`: Inactive opacity set by -i overrides value of _NET_WM_OPACITY. * `--inactive-dim` __value__: Dim inactive windows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0) * `--mark-wmwin-focused`: Try to detect WM windows and mark them as active. * `--shadow-exclude` __condition__: Exclude conditions for shadows. * `--mark-ovredir-focused`: Mark over-redirect windows as active. * `--no-fading-openclose`: Do not fade on window open/close. * `--shadow-ignore-shaped`: Do not paint shadows on shaped windows. * `--detect-rounded-corners`: Try to detect windows with rounded corners and don't consider them shaped windows. ### Format of a condition: `condition = :[]:` `` is one of `"n"` (window name), `"i"` (window class instance), and `"g"` (window general class) `` is one of `"e"` (exact match), `"a"` (match anywhere), `"s"` (match from start), `"w"` (wildcard), and `"p"` (PCRE regular expressions, if compiled with the support). `` could be a series of flags. Currently the only defined flag is `"i"` (ignore case). `` is the actual pattern string. ### Configuration A more robust [sample configuration file](https://raw.github.com/chjj/compton/master/compton.sample.conf) is available in the repository. #### Example ~/compton.conf: ``` # Shadows shadow = true; # Opacity inactive-opacity = 0.8; frame-opacity = 0.7; # Fades fading = true; ``` Run with: ``` bash $ compton --config ~/compton.conf ``` ## License Although compton has kind of taken on a life of its own, it was originally an xcompmgr fork. xcompmgr has gotten around. As far as I can tell, the lineage for this particular tree is something like: * Keith Packard (original author) * Matthew Hawn * ... * Dana Jansens * chjj and richardgv Not counting the tens of people who forked it in between. See LICENSE for more info.