#!/bin/bash # transset in a bash script # Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Christopher Jeffrey # Usage: # by window id # settrans -w "$WINDOWID" -o 75 # by name # settrans -n "urxvt" -o 75 # by current window # settrans -c -o 75 # by selection # settrans -s -o 75 # increment current window 5% # settrans -c -o +5 if test -z "$(which xprop)" -o -z "$(which xwininfo)"; then echo "Please install x11-utils/xorg-xprop/xorg-xwininfo." >&2 exit 1 fi window= opacity= cur= root= parent= active= while getopts "scn:w:o:" option; do case "$option" in s) window="" ;; c) active=$(xprop -root -notype "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW" \ | sed 's/^.*\(0x\S*\).*$/\1/') window="-id $active" ;; n) window="-name $OPTARG" ;; w) window="-id $OPTARG" ;; o) opacity="$OPTARG" ;; esac done root=$(xwininfo -all -root \ | grep "Root window id" \ | sed 's/^.*\(0x\S*\).*$/\1/') parent=$window i=0 while true; do parent=$(xwininfo -all $parent \ | grep Parent \ | sed 's/^.*\(0x\S*\).*$/\1/') if [ "$parent" = "$root" ]; then break fi parent="-id $parent" window=$parent i=$((i+1)) if test $i -ge 1000; then echo "An error occurred while traversing up the window tree." >&2 echo "Please report this to https://github.com/chjj/compton/issues." >&2 echo "Please mention your WM and versions of xwininfo/xprop." >&2 exit 1 fi done inc=$(echo "$opacity" | sed 's/^\(+\|-\).*$\|^.*$/\1/') if test -n "$inc"; then cur=$(xprop $window -notype "_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY" \ | sed 's/^.*\b\([0-9]\+\).*$\|^.*$/\1/') test -z "$cur" && cur=$((0xffffffff)) cur=$((cur*100/0xffffffff)) opacity=$(echo "$opacity" | sed 's/\(\+\|\-\)//') if test "$inc" = "+"; then opacity=$((cur+opacity)) else opacity=$((cur-opacity)) fi fi if test -n "$opacity" -a -n "$window"; then test $opacity -lt 0 && opacity=0 test $opacity -gt 100 && opacity=100 opacity=$((opacity*0xffffffff/100)) xprop $window -f _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY 32c \ -set _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY "$opacity" fi