# Compton __Compton__ is a compositor for X, and a fork of __xcompmgr-dana__. I was frustrated by the low amount of standalone lightweight compositors. Compton was forked from Dana Jansens' fork of xcompmgr and refactored. I fixed whatever bug I found, and added features I wanted. Things seem stable, but don't quote me on it. I will most likely be actively working on this until I get the features I want. This is also a learning experience for me. That is, I'm partially doing this out of a desire to learn Xlib. ## Changes from xcompmgr: * __inactive window transparency__ (specified with `-i`) * __titlebar/frame transparency__ (specified with `-e`) * menu transparency (thanks to Dana) * shadows are now enabled for argb windows, e.g. terminals with transparency * removed serverside shadows (and simple compositing) to clean the code, the only option that remains is clientside shadows * configuration files (specified with `--config`) * colored shadows (with `--shadow-[red/green/blue] value`) * a new fade system * vsync (still under development) * several more options ## Fixes from the original xcompmgr: * fixed a segfault when opening certain window types * fixed a memory leak caused by not freeing up shadows (from the freedesktop repo) * fixed the conflict with chromium and similar windows * [many more](https://github.com/chjj/compton/issues) ## Building ### Dependencies: __B__ for build-time __R__ for runtime * libx11 (B,R) * libxcomposite (B,R) * libxdamage (B,R) * libxfixes (B,R) * libXext (B,R) * libxrender (B,R) * libXrandr (B,R) * pkg-config (B) * make (B) * xproto / x11proto (B) * bash (R) * xprop,xwininfo / x11-utils (R) * libpcre (B,R) (Will probably be made optional soon) * libconfig (B,R) (Will probably be made optional soon) * libdrm (B) (Will probably be made optional soon) * libGL (B,R) (Will probably be made optional soon) * asciidoc (B) (if you wish to run `make docs`) ### How to build To build, make sure you have the dependencies above: ``` bash # Make the main program $ make # Make the newer man pages $ make docs # Install $ make install ``` (Compton does include a `_CMakeLists.txt` in the tree, but we haven't decided whether we should switch to CMake yet. The `Makefile` is fully usable right now.) ## Known issues * VSync does not work too well. It's widely reported that tearing still happens on the top of the screen. I do not know how to fix the issue. * If `--unredir-if-possible` is enabled, when compton redirects/unredirects windows, the screen may flicker. Using `--paint-on-overlay` minimizes the problem from my observation, yet I do not know if there's a cure. * compton may not track focus correctly in all situations. The focus tracking code is experimental. `--use-ewmh-active-win` might be helpful. * Compton may give ugly shadow to windows with ARGB background if `-z` is enabled, because compton cannot determine their real shapes. One may have to disable shadows on those windows with window-type-specific settings in configuration file or `--shadow-exclude`. * There are two sets of man pages in the repository: the man pages in groff format (`man/compton.1` & `man/compton-trans.1`) and the man pages in Asciidoc format (`man/compton.1.asciidoc` & `man/compton-trans.1.asciidoc`). The Asciidoc man pages are much more up-to-date than the groff ones, and it is viewable online. As chjj has not yet expressed his attitude towards switching to Asciidoc man pages, I kept both versions. By default the groff version is installed, unless you run `make docs`. ## Usage Please refer to the Asciidoc man pages (`man/compton.1.asciidoc` & `man/compton-trans.1.asciidoc`) for more details and examples. Note a sample configuration file `compton.sample.conf` is included in the repository. ## Support * Bug reports and feature requests should go to the "Issues" section above. * Our (semi?) official IRC channel is #compton on FreeNode. * Some information is available on the wiki, including (and presently, only includes) a FAQ. ## License Although compton has kind of taken on a life of its own, it was originally an xcompmgr fork. xcompmgr has gotten around. As far as I can tell, the lineage for this particular tree is something like: * Keith Packard (original author) * Matthew Hawn * ... * Dana Jansens * chjj and richardgv Not counting the tens of people who forked it in between. Compton is distributed under MIT license, as far as I (richardgv) know. See LICENSE for more info.