// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* * Compton - a compositor for X11 * * Based on `xcompmgr` - Copyright (c) 2003, Keith Packard * * Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Christopher Jeffrey * See LICENSE-mit for more information. * */ #pragma once #include "common.h" #include "log.h" #include #include #ifdef DEBUG_GLX_ERR /** * Get a textual representation of an OpenGL error. */ static inline const char * glx_dump_err_str(GLenum err) { switch (err) { CASESTRRET(GL_NO_ERROR); CASESTRRET(GL_INVALID_ENUM); CASESTRRET(GL_INVALID_VALUE); CASESTRRET(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); CASESTRRET(GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION); CASESTRRET(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY); CASESTRRET(GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW); CASESTRRET(GL_STACK_OVERFLOW); } return NULL; } /** * Check for GLX error. * * http://blog.nobel-joergensen.com/2013/01/29/debugging-opengl-using-glgeterror/ */ static inline void glx_check_err_(session_t *ps, const char *func, int line) { if (!ps->psglx->context) return; GLenum err = GL_NO_ERROR; while (GL_NO_ERROR != (err = glGetError())) { print_timestamp(ps); printf("%s():%d: GLX error ", func, line); const char *errtext = glx_dump_err_str(err); if (errtext) { printf_dbg("%s\n", errtext); } else { printf_dbg("%d\n", err); } } } #define glx_check_err(ps) glx_check_err_(ps, __func__, __LINE__) #else #define glx_check_err(ps) ((void) 0) #endif /** * Check if a word is in string. */ static inline bool wd_is_in_str(const char *haystick, const char *needle) { if (!haystick) return false; assert(*needle); const char *pos = haystick - 1; while ((pos = strstr(pos + 1, needle))) { // Continue if it isn't a word boundary if (((pos - haystick) && !isspace(*(pos - 1))) || (strlen(pos) > strlen(needle) && !isspace(pos[strlen(needle)]))) continue; return true; } return false; } /** * Check if a GLX extension exists. */ static inline bool glx_hasglxext(session_t *ps, const char *ext) { const char *glx_exts = glXQueryExtensionsString(ps->dpy, ps->scr); if (!glx_exts) { printf_errf("(): Failed get GLX extension list."); return false; } bool found = wd_is_in_str(glx_exts, ext); if (!found) printf_errf("(): Missing GLX extension %s.", ext); return found; } /** * Check if a GLX extension exists. */ static inline bool glx_hasglext(session_t *ps, const char *ext) { const char *gl_exts = (const char *) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); if (!gl_exts) { printf_errf("(): Failed get GL extension list."); return false; } bool found = wd_is_in_str(gl_exts, ext); if (!found) printf_errf("(): Missing GL extension %s.", ext); return found; } bool glx_dim_dst(session_t *ps, int dx, int dy, int width, int height, float z, GLfloat factor, const region_t *reg_tgt); bool glx_render(session_t *ps, const glx_texture_t *ptex, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int width, int height, int z, double opacity, bool argb, bool neg, const region_t *reg_tgt, const glx_prog_main_t *pprogram); bool glx_init(session_t *ps, bool need_render); void glx_destroy(session_t *ps); bool glx_reinit(session_t *ps, bool need_render); void glx_on_root_change(session_t *ps); bool glx_init_blur(session_t *ps); #ifdef CONFIG_OPENGL bool glx_load_prog_main(session_t *ps, const char *vshader_str, const char *fshader_str, glx_prog_main_t *pprogram); #endif bool glx_bind_pixmap(session_t *ps, glx_texture_t **pptex, xcb_pixmap_t pixmap, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth); void glx_release_pixmap(session_t *ps, glx_texture_t *ptex); void glx_paint_pre(session_t *ps, region_t *preg) __attribute__((nonnull(1, 2))); /** * Check if a texture is binded, or is binded to the given pixmap. */ static inline bool glx_tex_binded(const glx_texture_t *ptex, xcb_pixmap_t pixmap) { return ptex && ptex->glpixmap && ptex->texture && (!pixmap || pixmap == ptex->pixmap); } void glx_set_clip(session_t *ps, const region_t *reg); bool glx_blur_dst(session_t *ps, int dx, int dy, int width, int height, float z, GLfloat factor_center, const region_t *reg_tgt, glx_blur_cache_t *pbc); GLuint glx_create_shader(GLenum shader_type, const char *shader_str); GLuint glx_create_program(const GLuint * const shaders, int nshaders); GLuint glx_create_program_from_str(const char *vert_shader_str, const char *frag_shader_str); unsigned char * glx_take_screenshot(session_t *ps, int *out_length); /** * Free a glx_texture_t. */ static inline void free_texture(session_t *ps, glx_texture_t **pptex) { glx_texture_t *ptex = *pptex; // Quit if there's nothing if (!ptex) return; glx_release_pixmap(ps, ptex); free_texture_r(ps, &ptex->texture); // Free structure itself free(ptex); *pptex = NULL; assert(!*pptex); } /** * Free GLX part of paint_t. */ static inline void free_paint_glx(session_t *ps, paint_t *ppaint) { free_texture(ps, &ppaint->ptex); } /** * Free GLX part of win. */ static inline void free_win_res_glx(session_t *ps, win *w) { free_paint_glx(ps, &w->paint); free_paint_glx(ps, &w->shadow_paint); #ifdef CONFIG_OPENGL free_glx_bc(ps, &w->glx_blur_cache); #endif }