- GLX backend: Fix a bug that ARGB windows / shadows are rendered too
dark. Thanks to derhass in FreeNode/##opengl for help.
- GLX backend: Fix a problem that during window resize the content looks
jittering, by letting compton fetch pixmap sizes with XGetGeometry()
instead of relying on window width/height, which could be inaccurate
during window resize. Negative effect on performance. Thanks to M4he
for reporting. (#7)
- Add .desktop file. Thanks to quequotion for providing it. (#97)
- Avoid checking presence of window pixmap, because they may not exist
with very old X Composite implementations.
- Add workaround for a strange window restack issue when compton
receieves a ConfigureNotify with non-existent new above window.
- Add debugging function hexdump(). Extra sanity checks on various
- GLX backend: Fix a bug that window content does not get updated on
VirtualBox, by rebinding texture when window content changes. This may
have a negative effect on performance.
- GLX backend: Add --glx-no-stencil to restore the old clipping method,
just in case.
- GLX backend: Apply stricter checks on texture-pixmap binding.
- GLX backend: Fix a bug that glx_set_clip() behaves incorrectly when
None is passed in.
- GLX backend: Use glEnable()/glDisable() to toggle stencil tests, in
hope to increase performance.
- Move window pixmap/picture fetching to win_paint_win(), in hope to
increase performance.
- Intersect shadow painting region with its bounding rectangle, in hope
to increase performance.
- Fix a bug that glx_bind_pixmap() doesn't work with mesa drivers.
Thanks to Janhouse and mkraemer for reporting. (#7)
- Use stencil buffer to attempt to eliminate potential double-paint
issue in glx_render(). X Fixes doesn't guarantee the rectangles in a
region do not overlap, and this may cause some regions to be painted
twice, which would be a problem if we are painting transparent things.
Now the target window must have a stencil buffer. Compiz uses its own
region implementation to deal with this, but as a lightweight
compositor we can't really do the same. It may have a positive or
negative effort over performance. Callgrind result indicates basically
no change in performance, but this may or may not be true.
- Correctly distinguish GL extensions and GLX extensions. Sorry. :-D
- Handle screen size. Thanks to tsmithe for reporting. (#7)
- Rename OpenGL backend to GLX backend, because, we might have a EGL
backend someday.
- Add configuration file option `backend` to specify backend. Add
`backend` to D-Bus `opts_get`.
- Add OpenGL shader compilation code, but currently unused.
- Minor adjustments.
- Known issue: Window content doesn't get updated in VirtualBox,
probably because its OpenGL implementation requires constant rebinding
of texture. But that's really slow...
- Known issue: Blur feature is still unimplemented in GLX backend.
- Add experimental OpenGL backend (--opengl). --blur-background is
currently not possible with this backend, because I'm still trying to
find a proper way to do blur with OpenGL. Flipping backend on-the-fly
is really hard, so it isn't supported right now. No configuration file
option exists to enable this, because it isn't stable enough.
- Add `opengl-swc` VSync method that uses SGI_swap_control to control
buffer swap, with OpenGL backend. (#7)
- Fix a potential read-from-freed-memory issue in paint_all().
- Correctly reattach GLX context after fork.
- Dump error text in error(). Add GLX error code handling.
- Code clean-up.
- Known issues: Region operations take a lot of time in glx_render().
I'm hesitating about what to do.
- #91: Use pkg-config to find drm.h to avoid issues on FreeBSD. Thanks
to hun7err for pointing out and providing patch.
- #89: Add default shadow exclusion rule for notify-osd. Thanks to
- Check for abundant positional arguments.
- Use paint target window (root window / overlay window) instead of
ps->reg_win to create GLXContext. (May have negative effects on OpenGL
VSync.) Add new OpenGL helpers functions, to prepare for the new
OpenGL backend.
- Dump more info of a PropertyNotify with DEBUG_EVENTS.
- Add on-the-fly VSync option modification via D-Bus, as requested by
kunitoki (#80). Expose parse_vsync(), create vsync_init() and
- Change default value of ps->drm_fd to -1.
- Update Makefile. Change the install/uninstall rules and add doc
installation, requested by hasufell in #85.
- Mark window not damaged in map_win(). It helps in reducing flickering
with inverted window color, but I'm not completely sure if it's safe.
- Avoid modifying w->invert_color when window is unmapped.
- Update documentation. Thanks to hasufell for pointing out.
- Add "vsync-oml" VSync method, using GLX_OML_sync_control. Untested,
because it's not supported by my driver.
- Unredirect ps->reg_win, because DRI wiki says it's related to the
behavior of OpenGL VSync extensions.
- Add glFlush() and glXWaitX() calls, in hope they are slightly helpful
for VSync.
- Change a few functions to make error handling more graceful. Make some
errors fatal. Code clean-up.
- Add unused function make_text_prop().
- Add advanced window matching system, capable of matching against
arbitrary window properties as well as a series of internal
properties, with 4 additional operators (>, <, >=, <=) useful for
integer targets, and support of logical operators. The old matching
system is removed, but compatibility with the format is retained.
- As the new matching system is pretty complicated, and I have no past
experience in writing a parser, it's pretty possible that bugs are
present. It also has inferior performance, but I hope it doesn't
matter on modern CPUs.
- It's possible to disable matching system at compile time with NO_C2=1
- Add ps->o.config_file to track which config file we have actually
read. Queryable via D-Bus.
- Parse -d in first pass in get_cfg() as c2 needs to query X to get
atoms during condition parsing.
- Fix a bug in wid_get_prop_adv() that 0 == rformat is not handled
- Fix incompatibility with FreeBSD sed in dbus-examples/cdbus-driver.sh
- Add recipe to generate .clang_complete in Makefile, used by Vim
clang_complete plugin.
- Add DEBUG_C2 for debugging condition string parsing. DEBUG_WINMATCH is
still used for match debugging.
- Rename win_on_wdata_change() to win_on_factor_change().
- Extra malloc() failure checks. Add const to matching cache members in
session_t. Code clean-up. Documentation update.
- Fix a bug that root window is not repainted on wallpaper change unless
an Expose X event is received. Seemingly, if there's no mapped window
on a screen, X will not send an Expose event when the wallpaper
changes. Thanks to baskerville for reporting.
- Fix a X Pixmap leak when there's no existing wallpaper pixmap found.
- Fix a bug in mstrncpy() that null character is not added to the end of
the copied string.
- Make VSYNC_STRS public, for use in src/dbus.c. Adjust the type of
- Add more targets for various D-Bus methods. Add "bad_target" D-Bus
error. Improve error handling. Add more helper functions to append
arguments to a D-Bus message. Add Introspect method to D-Bus
introspection reply.
- Add public declarations of things in the new condition format code to
common.h. Move definitions of some inline functions from compton.h to
common.h. Make some functions public. Move wid_get_prop_adv() to
compton.c. The primary code files of the new format src/c2.{c,h} will
be published when ready.
- Add support for dumping version string in Makefile (make version), to
make snapshot generation easier.
- Add repeated inclusion protection to common.h.
- Update documentation.
- Use gsed instead of sed in dbus-examples/cdbus-driver.sh if possible,
as some BSD systems does not come with GNU sed by default. Thanks to
DaChiChang for reporting.
- Code clean-up. Small type changes in register_cm() to silence
warnings. Quit on failure in parse_vsync(). Apply stricter checks in
- Add D-Bus support. Currently 7 methods are available: "reset" (same as
SIGUSR1), "list_win" (list the windows compton manages), "win_get"
(get a property of the window), "win_set" (set a property of the
window), "find_win" (find window based on client window / focus),
"opts_get" (get the value of a compton option), and "opts_set" (set
the value of a compton option), together with 4 signals: "win_added",
"win_destroyed", "win_mapped", "win_unmapped".
- D-Bus support depends on libdbus.
- As there are many items and my time is tight, no much tests are done.
Bugs to be expected.
- Create a new header file `common.h` that contains shared content.
- Fix some bugs in timeout handling.
- Update file headers in all source files.
- Re-enable --unredir-if-possible on multi-screen set-ups, as the user
could turn if off manually anyway.
- Check if the window is mapped in `repair_win()`.
- Add ps->track_atom_lst and its handlers, to prepare for the new
condition format.
- Known issue 1: "win_get", "win_set", "opts_get", "opts_set" support a
very limited number of targets only. New ones will be added gradually.
- Known issue 2: Accidental drop of D-Bus connection is not handled.
- Known issue 3: Introspection does not reveal all available methods,
because some methods have unpredictable prototypes. Still hesitating
about what to do...
- Known issue 4: Error handling is not finished yet. Compton does not
always reply with the correct error message (but it does print out the
correct error message, usually).