#!/bin/bash latest_release="v0.0.6" case $(uname -s) in Darwin*) os="darwin";; Linux*) os="linux";; *) echo "Unsupported system type! Please build directly from source." exit 1 ;; esac case $(uname -m) in x86_64*) arch="amd64";; *) echo "Unsupported processor architecture! Please build directly from source." exit 1 ;; esac echo "Detected system: $os, $arch" echo "Downloading binary for release $latest_release from GitHub..." url="https://github.com/tjhorner/e6dl/releases/download/$latest_release/e6dl-$os-$arch" curl $url -Lo /usr/local/bin/e6dl chmod +x /usr/local/bin/e6dl echo "Done! Installed to /usr/local/bin/e6dl. Simply remove this binary to uninstall."