2019-03-01 03:47:50 +08:00
.PHONY: dist dist-win dist-macos dist-linux ensure-dist-dir build install uninstall
GOBUILD=go build -ldflags="-s -w"
@- mkdir -p dist
dist-win: ensure-dist-dir
# Build for Windows x64
2019-03-01 04:03:45 +08:00
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 $(GOBUILD) -o dist/e6dl-windows-amd64.exe src/*.go
2019-03-01 03:47:50 +08:00
dist-macos: ensure-dist-dir
# Build for macOS x64
2019-03-01 04:03:45 +08:00
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(GOBUILD) -o dist/e6dl-darwin-amd64 src/*.go
2019-03-01 03:47:50 +08:00
dist-linux: ensure-dist-dir
# Build for Linux x64
2019-03-01 04:03:45 +08:00
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(GOBUILD) -o dist/e6dl-linux-amd64 src/*.go
2019-03-01 03:47:50 +08:00
dist: dist-win dist-macos dist-linux
@- mkdir -p bin
2019-03-01 04:03:45 +08:00
$(GOBUILD) -o bin/e6dl src/*.go
2019-03-01 03:47:50 +08:00
@- chmod +x bin/e6dl
install: build
mv bin/e6dl $(INSTALLPATH)/e6dl
@- rm -rf bin
@echo "e6dl was installed to $(INSTALLPATH)/e6dl. Run make uninstall to get rid of it, or just remove the binary yourself."
2019-03-01 08:58:48 +08:00
rm $(INSTALLPATH)/e6dl
@- go run src/*.go