from threading import Thread from telegram import Bot, error from asics import ASICs from time import sleep from mysql.connector import connect, Error from macros import * import os, json, asyncio class TGThread(Thread): conn = None bot = None asics = {} def __init__(self, event, event2): super(TGThread, self).__init__() self.event = event self.event2 = event2 async def sendmsg(self, msg): return await'telegram', 'channel'), msg, 'MarkdownV2') async def check(self): msg = [] for i in self.asics.keys(): self.asics[i]['tooff'] -= 1 with self.conn.cursor(dictionary=True) as c: c.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `laststate`") for i in c.fetchall(): if not i['mac'] in self.asics.keys(): self.asics[i['mac']] = {} self.asics[i['mac']]['alert'] = 0 msg.append(f"🟢 {i['location']} \| ASIC \"*{ASICs(i['type']).name}*\" `{i['ip']}` online\!") self.asics[i['mac']]['tooff'] = 3 self.asics[i['mac']]['status'] = i['status'] if i['status'] == 'crit': if CONF.get('telegram', 'crit-notify') and self.asics[i['mac']]['alert'] < 2: msg.append(f"🔴 {i['location']} \| ASIC \"*{ASICs(i['type']).name}*\" `{i['ip']}` crit status\!") self.asics[i['mac']]['alert'] = 2 elif i['status'] == 'warn': if CONF.get('telegram', 'warn-notify') and self.asics[i['mac']]['alert'] < 1: msg.append(f"🟡 {i['location']} \| ASIC \"*{ASICs(i['type']).name}*\" `{i['ip']}` warn status\!") self.asics[i['mac']]['alert'] = 1 elif i['status'] == 'ok': if CONF.get('telegram', 'normal-notify') and self.asics[i['mac']]['alert'] != 0: msg.append(f"🟢 {i['location']} \| ASIC \"*{ASICs(i['type']).name}*\" `{i['ip']}` normal status\!") self.asics[i['mac']]['alert'] = 0 if self.asics[i['mac']]['tooff'] <= 0: msg.append(f"🔴 {i['location']} \| ASIC \"*{ASICs(i['type']).name}*\" `{i['ip']}` offline\!") del self.asics[i['mac']] if len(msg) > 0: await self.sendmsg('\n'.join(msg)) async def runbot(self): try: res = await self.sendmsg('🟢 *Notify server online\!*') INFO(f"Telegram channel ID: {res['chat']['id']}") while 1: if self.event.is_set(): SUCC('Telegram stopped!') await self.sendmsg('🟡 Updating software\! Recommend check all running instances.') break await self.check() await asyncio.sleep(15) except error.Forbidden as e: WARN(str(e)) except error.TimedOut as e: WARN(str(e)) except Exception as e: CRIT(str(e)) # os._exit(1) async def stopalert(self): while 1: if self.event2.is_set(): await self.sendmsg('🔴 *Notify server offline\!*') await asyncio.sleep(0.5) async def main(self): await asyncio.gather(self.stopalert(), self.runbot()) def run(self): try: if CONF.get('telegram', 'enable'): SUCC('Telegram started!') self.conn = connect( host=CONF.get('db', 'host'), user=CONF.get('db', 'user'), password=CONF.get('db', 'password'), database=CONF.get('db', 'name')) self.conn.autocommit = True = Bot(CONF.get('telegram', 'token')) else: while 1: if self.event.is_set(): SUCC('Telegram stopped!') break sleep(5) except Exception as e: CRIT(str(e)) os._exit(1)